If, like over 50,000 others, you've been reading my blog, you'll see that there are a number of short stories from this e-course.
So now you might want to have a free 'look see' to get a feel for the extent of the material covered in the program.
I hope you'll then want to sign up for the program for full access, so that you can see each of the stories in context, with so much more. You'll also discover links to interesting videos and other resources and have the opportunity to participate in exercises and discussions. If you are a student, there's also an extensive bibliography.
Just complete the contact form with 'free trial' in the subject line and I'll email you the password.
Your free trial will last until the end of the calendar month.
Your details will not be shared with any-one for any reason.
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Provide me with feedback in your free trial and receive full access to another module, or email me for a discount price for the full course!
What's included in your Free Trial
Please email your details and I will forward you the password for this month.
When you receive the password, just click on any of the tabs listed in the Free Trial section.
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The historical context for the rise of Modern Art in France

The key artists included in program - some you will know and love, and others will be less familiar.

An overview of each of the major art styles from Romanticism through to Abstract Art.

The full module on Romanticism

An examination of Claude Monet's painting techniques.

An overview of art terms to assist in understanding how artists designed and composed their works.